Digital Artworks
My Nightmares series is a series of digital artworks created on a tablet. It is a series of three drawings, one diptych and one animation loop, all created on Procreate on an iPad. They all consist of a black background and white strokes – Aquaphobia and Claustrophobia are simpler line drawings, with some details only in certain areas of the artworks; Automatonophobia and Coulrophobia are more complex line drawings with lots of texture and details; and Chronophobia is a 24fps animation with a black background, white lines and only one more subtle color. The subjects in my works are mostly inspired by Greek and Roman mythological creatures such as harpies, to represent the faint line between the dream world and the real world. I also chose to mostly use simple and clear line drawings, like on Greek vases that recorded history and culture of the past. The series is about fears, which is why all the works are named after phobias. Each artwork is inspired by a fear that I have, or had at some point. Through creating this series I realized fear is rooted mainly in our childhood memories, dreams, and our subconscious mind.
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